Thursday, August 4, 2011

More pulling from facebook... "A little lesson on patience"

It's often said that patience is a virtue. A virtue that should be upheld regardless of the situation. Well, to be quite fucking honest... HOW MANY PEOPLE ACTUALLY TAKE THAT TO HEART?

Look, I understand that it is trying at times to be patient with a situation, a person, or people in general... but you should really take that into consideration, especially when the person you're dealing with... asks for some time to get through some more pertinent issues they are encountering.

Legitimately, some people just cannot handle being put on the back burner while you either: a) you get your shit done, or b) shit happens and you cannot make good on some plans. Why is it so difficult to give someone the time they ask for? Can you not realize that maybe you're just not that important at that moment? or perhaps not even that, but maybe they do not want to half-ass the plans and have said plans fall flat on their proverbial faces? Or even more so, maybe it's simply because the person you want to hang out with, just doesn't have time?

How are any of the above reasons cause for flipping out and cutting off all lines of communication? Simply for the fact that you cannot get WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT? That's like a god damn two year-old throwing a temper tantrum over not getting to watch the fucking Teletubbie DVD in the morning at the exact fucking moment that the child wants to watch it. Fuck the Teletubbies and fuck your ridicuous attitude. Un-fucking-believable.

If you as a person cannot deal with not being the center of fucking attention, or cannot deal with not having things your way (or the highway), or cannot understand the fact that sometimes people DO NOT HAVE TIME RIGHT NOW to do what it is YOU want to do... then all I can say is good luck with the surgery to get the fucking stick removed from your impatient ass.

If you're going to judge me AT ALL, judge me on how I act, what I say, what I do, TOWARD YOU. Do not judge me based on any other sort of predisposition you have of the opposite sex, or based on a "personality type" you believe I fit in, OR based on past experiences you have in general. You know why? BECAUSE I'M NOT THOSE FUCKING PEOPLE OR THOSE SITUATIONS YOU'VE ALREADY BEEN THROUGH. Obviously you're patient and perseverent enough to keep on living this life and make it through to the present day. Bravo, you've done better than most people with down syndrome and I can respect you for that... but please do not hold it against me when I say that I need to get things I have prioritized AHEAD OF YOU done, before I can do anything else.

PRINCESS... wake up

If for some reason you think otherwise, bend over sweetheart, because I'm burying my size thirteen shoe deep in that tightly wound ass of yours... in hopes that it kick starts the fucking critical thinking portion of your puny sized brain.

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