Thursday, August 4, 2011

Working with Idiots - Part II

So today was no different than yesterday really. I came to work knowing that nothing regarding my issues with doing my job had been resolved; rather, they were compounded by the fact that they determined nothing was "unusual" about the latency issues we've ALL been having in the office since they migrated us over to a new network. Right... fuck you buddy.

Moving on, I finally had an experience with Tier 2 for Microsoft that I will never forget, and by never forget I mean a memory that will make me want to have a seething hatred towards any Indian (Pakistani) that works in the IT field EVER AGAIN.

This starts out as a normal escalation procedure, where we at the MicroFail Helpdesk raise an issue to Tier 2 regarding a multi-user problem (5 or more people that are being affected by the same issue). Now to give some background information, latency, lag, or ping times, are the amount of time it takes two points to connect on any given network/internet location. This affects overall responsiveness working online, communication between people/computers, etc..

That being said, normal ping times between people on MicroFail's corporate network is usually around100ms (milliseconds) if they're within the same physical location, more than acceptable for efficient workflow/throughput. Well, this particular group of people located in the Portland, Oregon office called in stating that their latency/lag was awful, taking sometimes close to five or six seconds to send an instant message, time between what you've said over your IP phone has been heard by the recipient, etc.. I take the call, diagnose, and escalate as normal.

A few hours pass then I get into a conversation with one of the Tier 2 agents... who begins to ask me about the issue... so I explain it to him (because apparently he is incapable of reading the ticket and forms I submitted to have the issue escalated in the first place). When I post him the tracert logs, which show that their latency is averaging 3000ms, he replies with: "So?" SO? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I ask him: "What do you mean so? this is completely unacceptable and outrageous that it's causing their work and jobs to suffer for productivity for what they do." He replies: "What do you mean by outrageous?" LOOK ASSHOLE, IF I HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO WHY WHAT OUTRAGEOUS MEANS AND HOW THIS ISSUE AFFECTS OVERALL PRODUCTIVITY IN THE WORKPLACE, YOU NEED TO FIND ANOTHER FUCKING JOB.

I proceeded to explain to him how this works and affects the people having the issue in the first place, why they called me to begin with, and what the resolution needs to be from him, the people that weESCALATE TO to help with these issues because we can't solve them to begin with.

After he contacted the user, he closed the ticket because he claimed he didn't see anything wrong with their network connection... after I clearly and concisely stated what the problem was in the initial ticket, troubleshooting, and escalating paperwork. He then proceeded to ream me out for about half an hour on how we submit outages based on issues we handle from incoming calls.

Are you fucking kidding me? you're going to berate me because you're an incompetent, lazy, piece of shit? are you fucking serious? I had to tell you how to do YOUR damn job, you do not get the privilege of rubbing it in my face about how you believe our process should be run, when YOU can't even bother to read the ticket that's put there because of the process YOUR Tier of help says it needs in order to do YOUR job. FUCK YOU.

I do not understand how these people get the jobs they have. I do not understand how they can sit there and tell me I must be crazy and wrong for submitting an issue that apparently they can't find, when in fact... the proof is in their own documentation they asked for. However, I can understand why people get so upset when they get Indian people on the phone when calling for technical support. Every single one of the people I have to deal with in regards to help on this queue from Tier 2, has been rude, arrogant, pompous, and downright retarded.

A sincere and hearty couple of middle fingers flying from me to you Tier 2 MicroFail agents. Stay classy fuckwads.

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