Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pulled from Facebook

So today my Mom and I ventured to our local Verizon Wireless store to get her a new Droid3. We arrive at the store, walk in, register, and patiently wait our turn in line at 9:30am.

It's her turn, we go up and speak to a sales representative regarding her account, what phone we wanted... then the SHITSTORM hit.

Apparently, they were informed late last night after closing, via an e-mail correspondence from "corporate," that they were not allowed to sell the phones they had out of their physical inventory until all of the Droid2 and Droid2 Global phones were sold. My Mom and I both looked at each other, looked back at the rep and she said: "Excuse me? This phone was released today, what sense does that make? We're here to buy this phone and this phone only."

"We're sorry, but we cannot sell you the phone today unless we sell out of the other Droid2 units first."

I step in and ask to speak to a manager, who was conveniently located within five feet of this representative.

"Excuse me, but is this serious? Or is this some bullshit? What's the point of advertising the shit out of a new phone, but then when customers come in to buy one... you tell them they can't? That's like going to buy a house... and it's the house you really, really, really, really want... but then the real estate agent tells you that you can't buy it because the house NEXT to it hasn't sold yet."

"We're sorry for both of you, but we can't sell you the phone."

At this point, my Mom freaks out and just about storms off out of the store, saying she's just going to cancel her contract if this shit keeps up. I stayed at the desk, talking to the representative.

"Look, is there anyway we can get this phone today?"

"No..." He then proceeds to look at the inventory of other stores in the area. "There's no other stores in Rochester that will be able to sell you the phone today."

So some time passes, my Mom calms down a bit and we end up ordering the phone. That went as follows:

"Ok Mrs. Ridley, you'll have to pay $20 for the early upgrade fee, plus $15 for the overnight shipping..." my Mom interrupts him and asks him: "Are you fucking crazy? You expect me to pay the shipping fees after this entire inconvenience? Are you fucking serious?" I just start laughing at this point.

"Well, if you want your phone, this is what has to be paid." Begrudgingly, she paid around $260 to get the phone overnight delivered to our doorstep, before 10:30am Friday morning.

Some more time passes, I come home, think about the situation... then proceed to dial *611 from my phone to speak with a customer service rep about what happened this morning, to try and get the extra fees waived from my Mom's account... because let's be honest here... THAT'S SOME BULLSHIT.

The representative and I get to talking, I explain the situation and she ends up calling the store we went to earlier to find out if they actually had the phones in stock, what happened, etc. etc.. The manager that addressed my Mother and I, answered the phone, told her they DID NOT HAVE ANY DROID3's IN STOCK, then proceeded to tell her that that's what he told us this morning. That being, that the reason they could not sell us the Droid3 was because it was not in stock... (really fucktard?)
She comes back and tells me this news, to which I simply said "He just fucking lied to you, apparently just as he did to my Mom, myself, and the three other people behind us in line this morning looking for that phone."

"What do you mean he lied?"

"He told us that they had the phones, but couldn't sell them because they hadn't sold out of their Droid2 and Droid2 Global inventory yet."

As a result, I aggressively requested that the charges for the early upgrade and shipping be waived. Of course, she stated she couldn't and I then asked to speak to someone who could. They ended up approving the removal of the shipping charges, but they can't waive the early upgrade fee because of how early my Mom decided to upgrade her account.

In all, I'm thoroughly disgusted with how this entire fucking situation transpired. How in the hell do they expect to do business with some shady shit like that being pulled at what I would guess is... not just a local level. It makes me really consider just all out leaving Verizon and hopping on board with another carrier, regardless of the fact if it's a "better" service or not.

If I'm a customer... and I'm there to buy your new shit in a box... you better give me the shit in the box I want with a pretty fucking bow on top and a smile mother fucker... not jerk me off with advertising campaigns and then end up stomping on my balls at the end of the day.


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