Thursday, August 4, 2011

A new original, exciting... post?

As you might have noticed, I have neglected this site for quite some time since last year. Today I decided to pull everything over from facebook that I felt necessary (see all posts below this one, dated August 4, 2011).

I figured I may as well update this as I am feeling the need to write today for whatever reason, I suppose I just have a bit on my mind... let's dig in a bit shall we?

For starters, this past semester at school I decided was my last in the IT field (academically speaking, as well as job related), simply for the fact that as much as I have been working with computers and technology in general (read > 20 years), I do not feel as though I really belong in that particular area. I would consider myself more of an enthusiast and hobbyist than anything else, despite the fact that I am a complete technology nerd in the fullest definition of the word. Despite my best efforts, I feel as though I'm slaving myself away at Best Buy for their Geek Squad... which really is a complete joke.

That aside, I've moved on to continue focusing on a much deeper and heartfelt passion... music. Music is something I've had in my life since I can remember and something I do not think I will ever do without, or try to stray from ever again. I've devoted much of my time since I was 16 to trying to excel at mastering the art of the guitar; it has proven to be far more difficult than I could have ever imagined. Being the eleventh instrument I brought into my life since I was 7, the guitar has been the single instrument I've been completely faithful to, never wanting to play another instrument with as much passion as I have for it, in and of itself.

As a result, I'm planning to apply and hopefully audition to finish my Master's Degree at the Eastman School of Music, here in Rochester, NY. If this goes well, I will have the MM finished and hopefully be working toward my DMA... Doctor anyone?

Moving along, I quit playing World of Warcraft... why? The better question is why didn't I do this a long time ago?

A lot of these changes came about simply because an amazing thing happened to fall right in my lap... that being... A RELATIONSHIP. ZOMG! In all seriousness, she's my muse, and someone that I could not have asked for at a better time in my life. 

I could write more, but I don't think it would be as comprehensible as I might like for the moment. So perhaps another time. Cheers!

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