Thursday, August 4, 2011

Working with Idiots - Part I

I'd like to preface this by saying that I work with a lot of incompetent people Monday through Friday.

Some background information:

1) There are three separate networks we are now using at work to do our jobs - Microsoft (VDI, VPN), Unisys, and the vLan

2) The above mentioned networks do not always get along with each other when we try to use VPN to connect

Moving on... So this story starts out with me going to work as normal today and arriving to work, setting up my machine to begin taking calls, which goes fine and dandy for about the first hour...

Shortly after that first hour of work, my VPN connection becomes unstable, forcing me to disconnect after about 30 seconds... in order to connect back to the VPN I have to tell it to do so, which times out repeatedly for 6 minutes at a time. Well, so now I try to connect using the VDI, that also fails and times out. So this goes on and on for about an hour after which, I decide that something bigger is the problem.

So after some diagnosis between myself and a few other colleagues we determined that the issue is because they changed us over from connecting to the Unisys network directly, to the vLan. Well this creates some serious connectivity issues due to overall latency and simple networking protocols that our connections go through in order to maintain stability, whether that's through VPN, VDI, or otherwise.

Now comes the "fun" bit... take a wild fucking guess who manages our network and where they live? Some guy, named Drew... IN THE GREAT BLUE FUCKING YONDER OF AUSTRALIA! Can someonePLEASE explain to me why someone who would normally sleep during our business hours (where this person lives in Australia is 16 hours ahead mind you) is set as our network administrator? Please, for the love of God and all that is holy, please fucking tell me why they didn't assign our queue to someone locally that we have IN OUR BUILDING?!?!? We have networking admins in our damn building, what's the point in assigning the responsibility to someone not even relevantly close to our location? let alone in the same fucking country?

So after colliding with that first issue of not being able to contact the person we need to in order to get this issue resolved in a timely fashion, I think to myself... hmm... why is it that we don't have administrative rights to perform the actions required to do our job? What is the point to assigning this to an individual who cannot help us?

Now my manager comes back from his 2 hour hiatus to wherever, doing whatever he was doing, and decides to join us back in the land of MicroFail and we have to explain this situation to him. Now, let me offer some insight to my manager: this is the man... who upon moving his computers into our queue area freaked out for five minutes over wondering why he was unable to use the internet after booting them up. Guess why? I'll give you one guess... oh fuck it... HE DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO CHECK TO SEE IF HE PLUGGED THE FUCKING NETWORK CABLES IN. Baby steps here folks... basic baby steps. The bottom line is, the man has no concept how the queue works, nor does he understand what it is we actually do for our jobs. He is not technically savvy by any means and honestly doesn't deserve the position he has. It is not the same type of queue as the rest of the building we work in, it's an entirely different breed of a call center.

So we explain this situation to him and he seems to believe there's a workaround to this, regardless of what we tell him. He doesn't understand that we cannot simply reroute the way our machines connect to the network because we don't have the necessary administrative rights to do so. Upon explaining to him that the person WHO DOES have admin rights to work this out, is 16 hours ahead; I look at his clock and tell him: "It's 2:41pm our time right now, that means it's 6:41am their time." He replies: "Don't you mean 8:41am?" I reply: "No, 2:41pm to 2:41am is 12 hours, plus 4. Resulting in 6:41am." REALLY? IS IT THAT FUCKING HARD TO TELL TIME?! WHY ARE YOU MY MANAGER??????? That's what I want to know...

So after deliberating my fate for the rest of the day, the ultimate decision was to send me home from work because of situation at hand.

My thoughts on the matter? Unisys has no idea how to effectively delegate work and administer their employees. This situation and company is run ass fucking backwards and will probably not be functioning in Rochester for very much longer. Bottom line? Never underestimate the power of a bunch of idiots.

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