Thursday, August 4, 2011

More with the pulling from the book of faces... "Sex... sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me..."

I suppose I'm writing this note because I feel that many people seem to get very squeemish when the topic of sex comes up in discussion. If it's not them being squeemish, then it's them acting like sex is no big deal, or trying to make a joke to cope with the anxiety of the topic. In short, some sort of defense mechanism comes into play, one of which I think is somewhat ridiculous and immature.

Essentially, I'm wondering why people get so bent out of shape during the discussion of sex itself, or sexual tendencies, preferences, fetishes, and the like. Is it because of how supposedly "private" the act is? or perhaps how not-so-private the conversation yet to be had may make it? Or maybe they're afraid of being judged by others because of their sexual tastes? Or perhaps it's because of how the general public and/or media (at least in the United States) reacts to the topic, and that they have taken those reactions and used them as their own.

Why let someone else's opinion on sex affect how you conduct yourself in regards to your sexual preferences? What does it matter that someone does not like the same thing as you? So what if you like being thrown around in the bedroom, slapped, choked, or tied up during sex? Or maybe you enjoy being called slanderous names during the act, or foreplay? Or maybe you just like to have gentle, kind, loving sex? Maybe you enjoy dressing up as the opposite sex, or live out some fantasy role-play to get you (and hopefully your partner) off? What the fuck (all puns intended) does it matter how you choose to live out your sexual lifestyle, to someone else (especially if they're not your partner, significant other, etc.)?

I suppose this really comes down to this question: What would be different about today's society if "sex" and "sexual preferences" were not such taboo subjects? I don't really understand why it still causes people to almost wiggle out of their chair from anxiety when it's brought up.

We as a nation (I would say the world) see and sell "sex" or "sex appeal" on a daily basis through advertising, whether that be on TV, in a magazine, or online, or any other sort of source (think about how many times you've seen that Cialis ad...). We incorporate "sex" in some form in our daily lives, whether through music, reading, thoughts, or otherwise. Why make it so difficult to be discussed openly without inhibition?

Personally, if someone wants to know something about my sexual tendencies... I tell them. Why? Because it doesn't bother me if you don't enjoy the same things I do, to each their own. I would hope that through my honesty that people realize that they can come to me and talk about the subject and any relevant subtopics therein. If someone has a question about sex, fetishes, general debauchery, I would also hope that they feel comfortable enough to come to me to discuss it, or confide in me the things that they fear others would judge or shun them for.

Fuck those people (obviously figuratively speaking, not literally speaking) who choose to judge, poke fun, shun, demean, or hurt others simply because their likes, dislikes, or overall opinions differ from their own when it comes to sex... and honestly? I'm pretty sure my sex life is far more interesting than theirs anyway. ;)

/endrant+critical thoughts

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